Business Description:
Grout & Tile Restoration Products. GDC Grout Stain Colorants, Grout Cleaner, Sealer Remover. Category: Home Services & Furnishings
home services & furnishings
The Grout Dye Company
Ridge, NY 11961, USA
(888) 249-0240


Will Recommend

Total Experience

Sandra M.

Fresno, CA

The Grout Dye Company

Thank you

I called this company just to see if this product would help my floors to look better. I spoke to a man named Mike for 45 minutes, he answered every question and sold me on trying it (I was totally skeptical at first). He said that the company not only sold the products, but also installed them as well,and that he was one of the guys that was on his hands and knees doing the work. I liked this, because he knew what he was talking about. I wish that they were on the west coast, I would have hired him to come and do my floors. Anyway, I bought 2 bottles of grout colorant and two bottles of a sealer remover, all for less than $80.00 including the shipping for my 400 square foot floor, it took about a week to get. The products weren't in fancy bottles, just like he said, (he said the bottles didn't matter only the stuff inside them did). Still being a bit skeptical that this would really work I started my project over the weekend. I cleaned the grout the first day as told to do, and the next day I applied the grout colorant. OMG my grout looked beautiful, better than it did 10 years ago. Even my husband couldn't believe the results. I love my tile, it looks great. To think that I was considering ripping out the tile and installing new, Mike you saved me thousands of dollars, your knowledge was incredible, I really want to thank you, I have showed everyone that comes to my house my "new" floor. The only thing that you forgot to tell me is that my knees would hurt that night. This was definitely the best $80.00 I spent in a long time, thank you again!
Sandra Marcus