Business Description:
As the Carpet & Rug Peopleā„¢, we have been trusted to provide the highest quality carpet-rug cleaning and restoration service since 1952.
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carpet & upholstery cleaning
Ayoub Carpet Service
3856 Dulles S Ct, Chantilly, VA 20151, USA
(703) 255-6000

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Tom a.

Falls Church, VA

Ayoub Carpet Service

Wrong name!

Please note that there is no one here by the name of Elsa Angell. Elsa was my wife who died some six months ago. This is thr second time I have told you this and asked you to remove her name. Please do so this time.
Tom Angell


Tom, we sincerely apologize for this mistake and we have updated your information to no longer include her name. We want to thank you for your business and hope to continue to serve you going forward.
The Team at Ayoub Carpet Service

Ayoub Carpet Service commented on 01/17/2023