Business Description:
As the Carpet & Rug Peopleā„¢, we have been trusted to provide the highest quality carpet-rug cleaning and restoration service since 1952.
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carpet & upholstery cleaning
Ayoub Carpet Service
3856 Dulles S Ct, Chantilly, VA 20151, USA
(703) 255-6000

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Will Recommend

Philp H.

Ashburn, VA

Ayoub Carpet Service

WOW! Talk about service!

So we ordered some carpet for a runner in hopes of it being done by Thanksgiving, Lauren worked really hard to make it happen! when they showed up to install there was a problem with the tool. UGH, they did not think it would be done in time, we received an email and a call informing us that they were able to squeeze us in last minute and had us done! Thank you so much! You guys ROCK!


You're welcome, Philp! Happy to be able to help. Hope you and your family enjoyed Thanksgiving!

Ayoub Carpet Service commented on 12/01/2021