Business Description:
As the Carpet & Rug Peopleā„¢, we have been trusted to provide the highest quality carpet-rug cleaning and restoration service since 1952.
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carpet & upholstery cleaning
Ayoub Carpet Service
3856 Dulles S Ct, Chantilly, VA 20151, USA
(703) 255-6000

Total Experience


Will Recommend

zena s.

Vienna, VA

Ayoub Carpet Service

Rug like new!

Amazing repair on the end of my Karastan rug.... didn't think it was possible! The fringe had pulled off and about 10" into rug frayed/ripped when my dog in frustration took it out on the end.
Cannot tell at all. Great works and very friendly staff ... Took longer than anticipated but worth the wait!


We appreciate you trusting us with your beautiful rug, thank you, Zena!

Ayoub Carpet Service commented on 10/13/2021