As a senior citizen living in a fixed income, I thought I was using a "trusted" company...Brandon did a special action by helping me bove me replace a burned out light bulb above my stairwell! He pointed out some DIY areas that I am addressing! One problem comes from the initial install of the new water heater by Coolray /Mr, Plumber whereby this technician welded an existing pipe to new pipe and apparently will be causing a leak problem - soon! Now, for whatever reason, Brandon performed some action in my basement bathroom that flooded my basement. I have lived in this house for over 30 years without such a problem, even when we paid Coolray $8,000 to replace drainage lines and install cleanout fixtures, even after two disability toilets were installed, paying Coolray over $1,200, even after paying Coolray over $600 to repair kitchen water lines. My basement has birchwood cabinets that this backup affected. Heirloom furniture has been affected - water damaged. This includes paying Coolray $475 to look at what occurred. Frustrated, you bet! And I am left with a cleanup of ankle deep water, a damaged shower enclosure, all of which I must find a way to fund! ! ! Maybe Coolray should set up a plumbing foundation to provide assistance to fixed income seniors or single parents rather than paying to have their name on a sports arena....oh, yeah, our HVAC is currently being serviced by Coolray, as well with its frustrations! Hmmmm.....