A mixed-bag of experiences
I had a mixed-bag experience with Classic Carpet & Rug. The sales people at the store were fantastic to work with. They were friendly and helpful and frankly, you could not ask for a nicer group of people to work with. So for them, they get Five Stars for service. The installation part of the experience was about average, so I give that part Three Stars. Hence, the average of Four Stars in the ratings. The installation crew was mostly good. There was one person who complained about some built-in furniture in my rooms and how he would have to make extra cuts to the carpet. I thought that was out-of-place, but everybody has a bad day sometimes. My real concerns dealt with the cut of the carpeting. I think they cut the pieces too close and in several places the seams were very noticeable. This is particularly evident in the doorways. There did not seem to be quite enough carpet to make a tight connection, and I am beginning to see some fraying of the carpets where they join up. The rest of the installation was very professional and well done. It is just where some of the carpet pieces meet that there are some problems. The carpet was cut so closely that there were not even any remnants left over. So overall, I was mostly happy with Classic Carpet & Rug, and I plan on calling them up to discuss the things I have seen after the holidays are over and I have more time.