Business Description:
Educational Playcare was established in 1986 to provide full and part-time childcare and preschool services to families throughout Connecticut.
child care
Educational Playcare
701 Farmington Ave, West Hartford, CT 06119, USA
(860) 232-5038


Total Experience

Will Recommend

Liz D.

West Hartford, CT

Educational Playcare

More than pleased!

We have been very pleased with Educational Playcare. We have been really happy there. My son was a little past two years old when he started a year and a half ago in September, and he hadn't been in day care or had a babysitter before, so it was his first time with any type of care like that. The staff at Educational Playcare were very considerate of that, and they individualized the process for him- as they do with everyone who first comes in. We made the switch to preschool this year, and he doesn't like change, so they were considerate of that as well. Parents are welcome to be there at any point, so to ease him in to it, I was there for the the whole time on his first day. He went for half-days and I was allowed to be there, so we weaned him off that in the mornings. The prices have seemed very reasonable to us. This is the first time we have had anybody in daycare and it has seemed very fair.

Libby Merc was the director at the time when we first joined, and she has been great. She got a good feel for my son's personality the first time we met. Ms. Alex, his first teacher, is fabulous, and he really loves his current teachers, Ms. Megan and Ms. Rebecca. Halfway through his first year he had Ms. April, who he really loves. Jasmine, who prepares the meals, often spends time with the kids and she is just wonderful. We see her every day and she knows all the kids.

I really like the way the provide feedback to the parents and the way they talk to my son. They comfort him if he is upset and they seem to be aware of his personality. The staff are very nice across the board. They seem to know every child, even if they don't work in that child's classroom. When we walk down the hallway, everybody greets my son by name. When the usual teacher is out sick or needs to be in a different room, it's nice that the person filling in already knows everyone and there is more familiarity there. Overall Educational Playcare has been fantastic for us and we are really happy there.