Business Description:
We sell the very best brand name products in our industry and want to be your one stop shop for all your product needs.
cabinet makers
Cabinet Makers Supply
5086 South Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90058, USA
(888) 267-4393

Customer service


Selection of products

Colin S.

Kerrville, TX

Cabinet Makers Supply

Don't Order From This Company, They Are THIEVES!

I own a cabinet shop and had a kitchen project to do and needed some accuride drawer slides #3732.
On 6/5/12 I ordered 11 #3732 slides order# 6014-120605 total of $138.69 stating I neeeded them asap and if not in stock to let me know.
Didn't here back so I sent an email on 6/9 for an update, still nothing!
Again on 6/11 and 6/14 nothing!
6/15 got an email with an apology from Alan saying they should receive the product 6/18 and will be shipped UPS.
6/19 received email from Alan saying again when product received will ship it.
6/21 sent email stating I can't wait any longer and to credit my card.
6/22 received email saying will handle the credit on Monday.
6/22 received a call from Alan to apologize and to not cancel the order but I told him I have to have the product now and can't wait any longer. He said it will be credited on Monday, assuming he was meaning the 25th of June.
7/14 sent another email as have not received the credit yet!
7/20 another email sent, still nothing!
8/7 another email and nothing!
Have also made numerous phone calls with no answer or return calls...........
Here it is 8/29/12 and have never heard back from CMS or received my credit.

This is a sorry way to run a business!!!!